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How To Prevent Feathers From Coming Out Of Pillow?

One of the consumers’ troubles when using feather pillows is leaking down feathers. The longer the shelf life, the more frayed and fragile the fabric becomes. For that reason, many people begin to learn how to prevent feathers from coming out of pillow. The methods, fortunately, are both simple and quick. Keep reading below if you are also excited to discover exciting information about the feather cushion care process!

What Are Feather Pillows?

Feather pillow cushions with mainly soft and high-quality feathers. They are very comfortable to lie on but are more challenging to maintain and maintain. This feather mainly comes from ducks and geese’ back or wing feathers. This material’s feeling is buoyancy and the most consistent form retention.

Its texture is not like fluff. Feathers are flatter, bouncier, and softer. However, the problem lies in the long and sharp quill. Its shape is cause for concern because it can poke through the duvet cover, causing injury. The constant release of feathers also affects the density of the couch cushion. These brushes tend to line up over time and flatten the texture considerably.

Feather Pillow Buying Guides

The feather pillow is relatively expensive. Therefore, you will need to choose carefully before making a decision.

Cambric cotton

For pillowcases, choose products that are 100% cambric cotton. This tightly woven fabric has a tight texture that comes with extreme durability. These materials and weaves will be an essential shield to prevent the feathers from spilling out. If you want extra security, add a cushion cover.

On the surface, you don’t need to care if there are small error details such as excess thread or fabric. The use of a pillow cover solves all the problems of appearance.

Knife edge seams or pipe-edge seams

The feather pillow’s weakest points are the seams or edges on its four sides. In most cases of leaks, this area is where the leak occurs the most. This feature is also a sign for you to confirm whether this product is quality and remarkable.

Cheap pillows are often unstable and do not have any edges. All you see are the seams that combine the two pieces of fabric like the joints of a t-shirt. The lack of edge seams is the biggest problem, making the stitching extremely loose. If not carefully preserved, the seam is very easy to come apart.

The most premium quality cushions will often have a sturdy edge with a clean silhouette. The two most notable designs are the pipe edge seam and the knife edge seams. The advantage of this type of ledge is its rigidity, firmness, and tight fit. Likewise, you should also choose pillows with tubular edges.

If a cushion has a well-made seam, most of its pictures will be taken by themselves for authenticity. It would help if you also double-checked previous consumer reviews.

How To Prevent Feathers From Coming Out Of Pillow?

The feathers will easily leak out if you do not carefully care for the cushion. Let’s start with some helpful tips to keep your pillows looking new and high-quality for years to come.

Use a pillow protector

To use a pillow protector is the best way to keep the feathers in the pillowcase. This simple method saves time and does not take much effort to implement. The material of these covers is a relaxed and comfortable fabric. Compared with the roughness and roughness of the cambric cotton layer, the pillowcase helps the user be satisfied and sleep much better.

Besides, pillow protectors are also a perfect choice for those who want to keep feathers from escaping. Another benefit of pillow protectors is that they keeps your cushion clean without requiring too much cleaning. You can order these pillowcase pieces from retail stores. Prepare early so you can wrap your feather cushion as quickly as possible.

Some people in the process suggested using temporary plastic covers. However, it is not a good idea because of the nature of plastic. Over a while using pillows, the plastic will quickly lose its form and form holes. Feathers can still stick out through these holes and damage the surface. The use of plastic also has some potential adverse effects on the environment. This material is non-biodegradable and harmful to water sources and organisms.

Take care of your pillow

When you have just bought a new cushion, the biggest problem is to take care of it and take good care of it. This care ensures the product stays fresh and lasts longer than usual. Treat your feather pillow with care, like it’s about to leak.

The shape of the cushion is also a very noticeable issue because it will deform over time. To increase the product’s shelf life, keep this in mind. Some products come with tags with machine washable markings. Yet, washing the washing machine will not guarantee to keep the feather pillow in its original shape.

Do not wash your pillow frequently

For hygiene reasons, you should also wash your feather cushion occasionally. Dirty pillow surfaces are the best breeding ground for bacteria like blankets and bedsheets. Washing pillows regularly is also not a good thing. The fabric is easily torn and damaged quickly if the cleaning frequency is too much.

Even if you don’t wash your pillowcase, wear and tear can occur. You need to carefully read and pay attention to the guides on the cushion label. You can wash most pillows in the washing machine if you want. However, some products will be labeled “dry cleaning only,” so you must be aware.

The recommended washing frequency is twice per year. The drying time of the product is also speedy, and you can quickly use it again. Cleaning will weaken the pillowcase material and make the hair easier to come out. So, limit your washing time.

Fluff your pillow

Sometimes, you must fluff the cushion very carefully to rearrange the position of the feathers. Messy brush pens have the potential to cause problems with external leaks. A reasonable frequency of pillow rubbing is once per day to prevent it from collapsing. You will never know when the brush may fall out while in use.

This process only takes a few seconds and doesn’t take much effort. To soften the feathers of the cushion, drying by placing the pillow in direct sunlight is the fastest method. For both sides to dry out evenly, you’ll need to pat the cushion twice and often turn your face back and forth from time to time. Do not apply too much force as it may blow the undercoat out.

If you have a dryer, experiment with placing two tennis balls in the dryer to crumple the cushion. These balls can blow away clumped feather clusters. A clean pair of shoes or flip-flops are also perfect alternatives in emergencies. The dryer mode that you should choose is only drying in the air. If the temperature in the drying cage is too high, the feathers are flammable and give off an unpleasant odor.

The recommended drying time is up to ten minutes. This process also helps to remove moisture, creating an environment for bacteria and mold to grow.

Patch any leaks

The final method to keep your pillows from falling apart is to patch the holes as soon as they are discovered. You need to do this immediately upon spotting any tears. They’re all potential future holes, whether it’s a rip, a small tear, or a trail. Do not delay the repair process; they will help you avoid possible problems.

Besides, you also keep the cushion life longer and more durable. The simple tools you need to equip are a piece of fabric, thread, and a sewing needle. The larger the hole, the larger the amount of cloth must-have. If the thread is torn, try stitching the two sides together. The sewing process is also straightforward and does not require complicated skills.

How To Care For Feather Pillows

The most significant advantages of feather pillows are their softness, fit, and support for optimal comfort. The service life of the product is also quite durable and long. However, maintaining its years of existence will require careful care and maintenance.

When using a feather cushion, the main rule of care is to avoid exposing it to moisture. Otherwise, the feathers will clump and break very quickly. The effect will be similar for those with oily scalp or go to bed with wet hair. Therefore, the wearing of pillowcases is significant. You also must not use soap and cleaning chemicals to clean the feathers. When drying, avoid using heat but store in a dry and ventilated place.

Where Do The Feathers For Pillows Come From?

A significant number of feathers come from China. However, it is Europe that produces the highest quality feathers.

Some consumers want to ensure that the feathers in the cushion are harvested humanely. With reputable and clean materials, you should look for certified brands like Responsible Down and Bluesign.

Other options than feathers, you can take advantage of our high-quality polymer fibers. Synthetic materials are usually more affordable. It has the potential to cause allergies. In that case, consider eco-friendly and natural materials like buckwheat or bamboo.

Can You Re-Stuff Pillows?

If your pillow has just shed a few feathers, it’s still fixable. Try to find a way to save your precious hug cushion. The operation to re-insert the feathers inside the pillow intestine is effortless. Let’s start collecting feathers that have fallen over time to make a real difference.

If you only start looking for feathers as soon as you repair them, the process will be longer and more time-consuming. In that case, your best bet is to replace it with another stuffed filling. Synthetic pillows from craft stores are very cheap and are a great option.

Use a seam tearer to open the inside of the cushion. You can then fill the interior with synthetic material. Try to arrange the stuffing evenly to get the best mixture. This way, both save a large amount of money and are also more environmentally friendly.


Breathable, soft feather pillows provide a pleasant sleep experience. To prevent leakage and distortion, use pillowcases, patch holes, and care carefully. Regular maintenance is better than repair. So, start paying attention to your feather pillows right now.

David Elkie

David Elkie

David Elkie is the CEO at Banner Mattress. He has been in the writing and editing business for the mattress, bedding accessories and décor industries for over 20 years.