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Can Rats Climb Beds? – 10 Ways To Have The Rat-proof Bedroom

Can rats climb beds? The answer might surprise you. They can climb just about anything, and that includes beds. They will likely find their way into your bed if you have a rat problem. It can be disgusting and dangerous, as rats can carry diseases. Rats are known for their impressive skills, but the important question is, Can rats climb beds?

In this article, we’re going to tackle that burning question head-on. There are ways to prevent them from getting into your bed, however. From understanding rat behavior to learning practical prevention tips, you can keep these pests out of your sleeping area . Avoid potential health risks by taking some simple precautions. Read on to learn more about how to keep those out of your bed.

Can Rats Climb Beds?

Can Rats Climb Beds - Rats on bed make you freak out

Rats on the bed make you freak out

Will mice crawl on your bed? The answer to this question is yes, and these animals can climb beds. They are very agile creatures and can climb up most surfaces. It is because of their physical abilities and their natural curiosity that they can do this.

Rats are also excellent climbers, so they can easily scale the sides of a bed frame and get to the top. Additionally, they have sharp claws that help them grip onto surfaces so they can climb bedding material.

Therefore, you must be especially careful if you have a rat infestation, as they can easily climb up to your bed and nest there.

What Attracts Rats To Your Beds?

Here are some reasons explaining why there are mice climb in bed:

Can Rats Climb Beds - Rats are attracted to food

Rats are attracted to food

Food crumbs: The first reason why mouse on the bed is because of food crumbs. If you often eat in bed or leave food out in the open, this can attract mice who will then try to get to the food. Moreover, the animals will look for a place to build their nests.

Dirty laundry: Another reason why rats are attracted to your bed is because of dirty laundry. They can start to smell bad if you don’t regularly wash your sheets and blankets. It will attract them who are looking for a place to nest.

The bed’s warmth: These animals are attracted to your beds because of the warmth, especially during colder months. Rats are attracted to warm places because they feel comfortable there. When they find your bed, they will start to sleep in your bed and will also start to look for food in your bed.

Infestation: If there is already a rat infestation in the home, they may have less fear of human scents and could venture onto beds as they roam.

5 Signs of a Rat Infestation in Your Home

If you suspect that there are rats in your home, it is important to inspect your bed and furniture for signs of them. They can pose serious health risks and cause substantial damage to your home. It includes looking for droppings, scratching noises, chewing damage, bad smell, or footprints.

Can Rats Climb Beds - Rats presence can leave some common signs

Rats’ presence can leave some common signs

Mouse Droppings and Urine Trails

One of the most telltale signs of them is their droppings. If you see small, dark brown pellets around your home, they are likely to present. Kitchen corners, cabinets, and pantries are usual hotspots.

Expert Insight: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), rat urine, which may not be visible to the naked eye, can also carry harmful bacteria. A blacklight can reveal trails and help pinpoint the extent of an infestation.

Scratching noises

If you hear scratching sounds from your walls or ceilings, it could indicate that there are nests in your home. This can result in visible gnaw marks on food packaging, walls, and even furniture.

Chewing damage

Mice bite on almost anything, including wires and wood. If you see evidence of chewing or gnawing around your home, it is a good indication that they are present.

It’s estimated that rodents, including rats, cause up to 20% of undetermined fires in the United States each year due to their habit of chewing on electrical wires.

Bad smell

Rats produce a strong, musky smell that can be detected even when not present. If you notice a foul odor in your home, it could be a sign of their presence.


The animals leave behind small footprints that are easy to spot. If you see footprints around your home, they are likely to present.

If you see these signs, take action to get rid of the rats as soon as possible because they can carry bacterial disease and cause damage.

Why Should You Keep Rats Out Of Beds?

Here are some reasons you should consider taking action to keep mice out of your beds:

Can Rats Climb Beds - Reasons to keep rats out of your bed

Reasons to keep rats out of your bed

Health Risks

The most important reason you should keep mice out of your bed is for health reasons. Mice are known to carry a variety of diseases that can be easily transmitted to humans through contact with their fur or waste products.

The most common diseases in mice include Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, Rat-Bite Fever, and Leptospirosis. These diseases can cause serious illness or even death in some cases, so it’s important to avoid contact with them.

In addition to the diseases they transmit, mice can also be a source of allergies for some people. If you or someone in your family is allergic to mouse dander, it can cause a range of symptoms, including sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes. In severe cases, it can even trigger an asthma attack.

It’s also important to remember that mice are often hosts for other parasites, such as fleas and ticks. These parasites can easily become a nuisance in your home if they’re not kept in check, and they can also transmit diseases to humans and pets.

Damage to Your Home

Mice can also cause damage to your home if they’re not kept under control. They tend to gnaw on things, damaging furniture, walls, and electrical wiring. This gnawing can create fire hazards in your home, and it can also lead to costly repairs.

In addition, mice tend to urinate and defecate wherever they go. It can contaminate your food and other surfaces in your home and create unpleasant odours.

Mice can also be a problem if they enter your pantry or food storage areas. They tend to nibble on food, which can lead to waste and contamination. Therefore, keeping them out of these areas is important to prevent them from getting into your food.

Increased Pest Control Costs

If you have a mouse infestation in your home, you’ll likely need to spend more money on pest control. It can be costly, and it’s something that you can avoid by taking steps to keep them out in the first place. Mice are notoriously difficult to get rid of once they’ve taken up residence in your home, so you may need to call a professional to get rid of them.

While considering the health risks posed by rats, it’s also crucial to consider other factors that contribute to a healthy sleeping environment, such as the type of mattress you use. Opting for a best mattress without memory foam can be beneficial for those looking for a healthier sleep surface that minimizes exposure to certain chemicals.

10 Ways To Keep Rats Out Of Beds

Here are some excellent ways for you to keep them out of your beds:

Can Rats Climb Beds - Keeping rats away from your house

Keeping rats away from your house

1. Cleaning Your Beds and Rooms

The first and most important step is to keep your sleeping area and any other areas where you spend time clean. It includes sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming regularly. In addition, be sure to wash your bedding in hot water at least once a week.

These animals are attracted to food and grease, so keeping your sleeping area free of crumbs, spills, and other potential attractants is important. If you have a pet, keep their food and water dishes clean.

2. Seal Off Entry Points

Mice can squeeze through incredibly small spaces, so it’s important to inspect your home for any cracks or holes that they could use to get inside. Be sure to seal any gaps around pipes, windows, doors, and vents with either hardware cloth or caulk.

3. Remove Debris and Clutter

Rats love to hide in clutter, so it’s important to remove any debris or clutter from your home, especially in the sleeping area. It includes boxes, newspapers, and magazines. In addition, be sure to declutter your closets and storage areas.

4. Use Peppermint Oil

Rats hate the smell of peppermint oil, so using it around your home is an excellent way to keep them away. Add a few drops of peppermint oil to a cotton ball and place it in areas where you think them may be getting inside. You can also add peppermint oil to your vacuum cleaner bag to help freshen the air while you clean.

5. Keep Your Home Dry

Rats attract moisture, so keeping your home as dry as possible is important. It includes fixing any leaks and ensuring proper drainage around your home. In addition, be sure to empty any containers of standing water, such as flower pots and pet dishes.

6. Use Mothballs

Mothballs are another excellent way to keep rats away. Be sure to use them sparingly, as too many mothballs can harm humans and pets. Place mothballs in areas where you think rats may be getting inside.

7. Use Mouse Traps

If you have a rat problem, killing mice by setting out mouse traps is an excellent way to eliminate them. Be sure to set a mouse trap in areas where you’ve seen rats or where you think they may be getting inside.

Select appropriate bait: Peanut butter is often considered the best bait for its scent and sticky texture or chocolate is also very attractive to mice.

8. Get a Cat

Another excellent way to keep rats away is to get a cat. Cats are natural predators of rats and will help to keep them out of your home. You should get a cat if you don’t already have one and are willing to take on the responsibility of caring for a pet.

Our suggestion : Barn Cat (Domestic Shorthair), Siberian, Norwegian Forest Cat,
Scottish Fold, etc

9. Use Rat Poison

Another excellent way to keep rats out of your beds is to use poison. Rat poison is a highly effective way to kill them, but it can also be dangerous to humans and pets if used improperly. If you decide to use it, follow the directions carefully and keep it out of reach of children and pets.

10. Call For Professional Help

The last resort is to call for professional help. If you’ve tried all the above methods and still have problems with rats, it’s time to call in the experts.

Pest control companies have the knowledge and experience necessary to get rid of rats quickly and efficiently. In addition, they can also help you find and seal off any potential entry points to prevent future infestations.

In addition to keeping your sleeping area free from clutter, it’s also worth considering the materials inside your mattress. A best mattress without fiberglass is an excellent choice to ensure your bed remains a safe haven, free from materials that could harm your health or attract pests.


Can mice crawl up beds? They are excellent climbers and can often be found scaling the walls of buildings or scurrying up trees. It means that they can also ascend bed frames, although they may not always choose to do so.

While these little animals may occasionally climb beds, this does not mean that they threaten humans or pets sharing the same sleeping space. If you are concerned about rats in your home, it is best to contact a pest control professional for assistance. Thanks for reading our content about the mouse on the bed.

Watch more natural ways to repel mice without harming them:

Rats damage your house

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can rats climb up to bed legs?

Rats are excellent climbers and can easily climb up to bed legs if not blocked by a skirt or other furniture around the bed. They can also jump up to 18 inches high, so it is important to ensure your bed is well-secured against these pests.

Can mice climb walls?

Mice can jump on a stickable surface like brick or wood at a distance of 1 foot, which enables them to easily climb on walls. Unfortunately, mice climb stairs too unless yours are made of stainless steel or any slippery materials.

Are rat droppings dangerous?

Yes, rat droppings can be dangerous if they are not handled properly. They can contain bacteria and other contaminants that can cause health problems if inhaled or come into contact with skin. It is important to wear gloves and a mask when cleaning up rat droppings and to dispose of them in a sealed container.

Do rats bite you when you are sleeping?

Rats do not typically bite sleeping humans, as they are more likely to flee when they hear or see a human. However, there are cases where they have bitten people in their sleep, so it is always important to take precautions against rat infestations in your home. Ensure that all food is stored securely and that there are no openings or cracks in your walls or floors where they could enter.

What do rats eat?

Rats are omnivorous animals, which means they will eat almost anything. They typically eat seeds, nuts, fruits, and insects in the wild. In urban areas, they will often eat garbage or pet food that is left out.

David Elkie

David Elkie

David Elkie is the CEO at Banner Mattress. He has been in the writing and editing business for the mattress, bedding accessories and décor industries for over 20 years.